Access to the waters of Vineyard Sound for sailing, power boating, and fishing. . . a dining room and bar overlooking the water. . . a private beach. . . a lively entertainment schedule for the whole family.

Membership Categories
Will the club close down for the summer?No. The Renovations are scheduled to start after the summer of 2023 and be completed before the summer of 2024.
Who is in charge of this Project?The FYC Board of Governors formed a Clubhouse Renovation Committee to evaluate various options and manage the execution of the project. This is all being done with regular input and supervision from the Flag Officers and the BOG.
What is included in the Project?The main components of the Project are Expanding the Bar area, renovating the Dining Room, enlarging & updating the kitchen and enhancing the Capital Reserve Fund.
Why expand the kitchen if the dining room gets smaller?While a few seats in the dining room are being removed, seats are being added to the bar area so the total number of seats in the club is not changing. The current kitchen is not equipped to serve the demand of our members regardless of which room or deck they seated.
Why is there an assessment?Members’ dues and fees cover the annual operating expenses of the club, but do not provide the additional resources for any capital projects beyond small repairs. Larger capital projects can only be funded through an assessment or taking on debt. The FYC does not have surplus cash flow to fund additional debt, so an assessment is the logical alternative.
Do I have to pay my assessment all at once?Members may make quarterly payments and take up to three years to pay the assessment. However, if you are able to pay your assessment all at once, please do so. This will enable the Club to give additional time to our members that need it.
Are all members charged the same assessment?No. Different membership categories will pay the same ratios that we pay in annual dues.
What if I have more questions?here are a number of resources to turn to for additional information. Check out the Web Site Ask any Flag officer Email any specific questions to kehoe@falmouthyachtclub.com.
Full MembershipFull Membership consist of two subclasses, Family or Individual Full Membership is open to persons 21 years of age or older. Active members shall have full privileges of the clubhouse, dock, beach, and other facilities. Active members shall have exclusive voting rights on the basis of one vote for each member. Active members shall solely have the privilege of office and governorship. Active memberships are offered for both families and individuals.
Intermediate MembershipIntermediate membership is open to persons between 18 and 29 years of age. Intermediate members shall have full privileges of the clubhouse, dock, beach, and other facilities, and shall have both the privilege of serving on committees and may be heard at meetings of the Club, but they shall have no vote and may not hold office. Upon becoming age 30, an intermediate member may become an Active Member.
Legacy MembersLegacy Membership is open to children of current Family members with at least five years of membership in the year in which they reach age 25. Legacy members shall have full privileges of the clubhouse, dock, beach, and other facilities. Legacy members shall have the privilege of serving on committees, and may be heard at meetings of the Club, but shall have no vote and may not hold office. Legacy members may apply and become active upon or prior to turning age 30 should he/she wish to become a voting member.
How to Become a Member
Active members shall have full privileges of the clubhouse, dock, beach, and other facilities. Active members shall have exclusive voting rights on the basis of one vote for each member. Active members shall solely have the privilege of office and governorship.
To become a member, each candidate for membership shall be proposed by one member and seconded by another on forms provided for that purpose. Forms may be obtained from the Club Office or by clicking on the button below.
The primary sponsor is responsible for submitting the completed application, sponsor forms, and letters of recommendation to the Club's Membership Committee.
Inquiries regarding membership may be made to the Membership Committee at Membership@FalmouthYC.com.
Within 30 days after mailing of the notice to them of their election, new members shall pay an initiation fee as set by the Board of Governors. If the initiation fee is not paid, the election shall be void.