Beach Activities
Beach Hours:
Lifeguard on Duty Starting June 23
from 9:30-4pm daily
Facing Martha’s Vineyard with vistas galore, the FYC beach welcomes its members with an oasis of calm amidst the summer crowds. Swingset, beach furniture and smiles abound for your seaside respite.

Beach Rules
The beach is for the use of Active, Intermediate, Legacy, and Honorary Members only. Reasonable behavior in consideration of the rights and privileges of others is expected at all times.
The lifeguard will be on duty beginning June 19th, 2020 from 0930 to 1700 hours. Members using the beach after hours do so at their own risk.
Food and non-alcoholic drinks are permitted on the beach. All trash is to be deposited in the receptacles provided. All members share in the cleanliness and maintenance of the beach and its facilities.
Pets are not allowed on the beach at any time.